what is the speaker referring to in these lines?bull flag screener finviz

Question 6. Question 5. He was not led by appearance. Answer: Portia is willing to give thirty-six thousand ducats. And not one vessel escaped the dreadful touch Of the rocks that can break a merchant? Then he found that when he attempted to eat, his food was at once turned to gold. Question 2. Question 3. Answer: The scroll says that such a person may make his choice as wisely as he may be very lucky. The idea of cursing one's fate also hearkens to Job, who cursed himself after falling out of God's favor. ", Whitman compares Lincoln to a ship captain, In this excerpt, Lincoln uses brevity to make an emotional impact. When Portia sees Bassanio inclining towards that casket she bursts into a mood of extreme joy which is hard to contain. A. See answers Advertisement Advertisement hardysouthern hardysouthern The poem, generally, is about the Civil war and the death of President Abraham Lincoln, who is the Captain. The land was subject to a $50,000 mortgage, which the partnership assumed on January 1, 20X7. Answer: She wants him to go to the church with her and legally make her his wife. Gratiano got the benefit into the bargain. Come, lets go! What was Bassanios actual financial position according to his own confession? Not only Antonio but his friends also feel deeply distressed over the sad fate which threatens Antonio. From her cautious confessions and nervous style, we can surely conclude that she is passionately in love with the handsome suitor. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? He may win; And what is music then? Lead threatens rather than promises anything. The partnership also assumed this note payable. To make the poem scarier. She says that the total value of all her qualities is very little. Answer: But for the sake of Bassanio, she wishes to be many times richer than what she is so that he might love her and prize her highly. What feelings does the speaker express in lines 49- 57 about his everyday life. She disparages her wealth, and wishes it to be ten times as great it is at present for the sake of Bassanio. He not only gets a beautiful, intelligent wife, but also almost inherits, through her, a great property. This is why he is doubtful of his success even when it has been achieved. Outward show of beauty is the deceitful shore, which might attract a sailor, but the sea ahead of it is dangerous. 6. . A celebration is being held by the passengers of a ship. Intermission no more pertains to me my Lord than you. Answer: Gratiano proves that he is no less smart and quick than his master, Bassanio. Answer: She accepts Bassanio as her master, lord, governor and king. This also indirectly has given Gratiano his wife in Nerissa. Question 2. What is the source of her satisfaction at this stage? If he had the present money : if he had the money at the present time, confound : ruin; reduce to beggary, plies : continues to approach; presses, and doth impeach the freedom of the state : to impeach in legal language, meant to bring an accusation against. Shylock brings the charge that Venice is denying him his legal rights, and therefore is violating the free rights which foreigners were supposed to enjoy, magnificoes of greatest : port, the greatest nobles of Venice were termed Magnifici, the Hoble-minded or magnificent ones Of greatest port may be rendered as of the most noble carriage, when I was with him, I have heard him swear : this is an indication of the passage of time showing that Jessica is speaking of things by no means recent. Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. What is the Bassanio and Portia have expressed their love and commitment to each other. I'm new too. Tags: Question 3. On January 1, 20X8, the partnership decided to admit Hill to the partnership. Twenty merchants, The Duke himself, and the noblemen of greatest reputation, have all tried to persuade him; But no one can drive him from the envious plea of default, of justice, and his promise to pay. (a) peals of praise means shouts of acclaim by spectators on winning a prize. Sonnet 104 is a sonnet. a poem that has fourteen lines and uses any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English. He walked into his new classroom.A girl came up to him and said, ",begin underline,Your cheeks are li Answer: Bassanio finds the portrait of Portia in the leaden casket. My Captain!". rise up and hear the bells;Rise up - for you the flag is flung - for you the bugle trills;For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths - for you the shores a-crowding;For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; What is the speaker referring to in these lines? He has proved to be the luckiest of all the suitors who came for taking part in the game of lottery. Does it really go hard with poor Antonio? Is today your first day? He rejected the golden and the silver caskets inspite of their showy appearances. c. allness statement Here, "state" is a pun: it carries the meaning of emotional well-being, as it did earlier in the poem, and suggests that the love of the fair lord makes the speaker so happy that all the wealth of a king would not be better. Music should be played when Bassanio is making the choice. Question 5. But the full sum of me Is the sum of something which, in general, is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticed; Happy in this state, she is not too old To learn; Account : estimation, livings : property; possessions, exceed account : surpass all reckoning, but the full sum of me, is sum of nothing : but the sum total of all my virtues amounts actually to nothing at all. Question 4. What did Bassanio say about his wealth when he first told Portia of his love? It is only after the result of Bassanios choice is known that Gratiano discloses the agreement he and Nerissa had reached regarding their own marriage. The partnership of Jordan and O'Neal began business on January 1, 20X7. She was unemotional and business like while talking to the Prince of Morocco and the Prince of Arragon. , endship. The partners allocated the net income for 20X7 and closed the accounts. Explanation: In the poem "O Captain! 4. The author talks about the victory when he asks for the captain to "hear the bells", which is most likely a reference to . Bassanio is both thrilled and puzzled. She accepts Bassanio, the man much after her heart, as her husband and places herself and all that she possesses at his disposal, Passage 10 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 156-174). What is the speaker referring to in these lines? After all this is said, Nerissa wishes good luck to the couple. Why does he choose the leaden casket? , endship. Shylock succeeds in making Antonio feel miserable because of his demand for a pound of Antonios flesh. Or they appear to be moving because they are reflected in his eyes. these wicked times , Put up bars between the owners and their rights; l And so, though I am yours, I am not yours. Where are the speakers at this moment? Sales on account amounted to $155,000. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Explain . What do Portia and Nerissa plan to do in the absence of Bassanio? It is here that Gratiano has his turn to speak. Question 4. If she discloses the secret, it would mean the breach of faith and the breaking of an oath. Which extended metaphor does Whitman use throughout "O Captain! To what does Portia refer by this expression? Passage 13 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 270-289). //]]>. But the full sum of me Is the sum of something which, in general, Is an unlessoned girl, unschooled, unpracticed; Happy in this state, she is not too old To learn; happier than this state, She is not bom so dull that she cannot learn; Happiest of all is that her gentle spirit Commits itself to you to be directed, As by her lord, her governor, her king. What is the sweet bar between the lips of Portia. See answers Advertisement rebecca6853 What does Portia want Bassanio to do before going to Venice? \text{Equipment} & 100,000 & 0 \\ [CDATA[ So he was in danger of starving to death, and had to pray to the gods to withdraw their gift, meagre lead : unattractive lead, in comparison with gold and silver, all the other passions fleet to air : how every passion except love vanishes like thin air. Question 3. Mark this and return Save and Exit Next Submit See answers Advertisement az73665 a. My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; Which statement best describes the significance of comparing Lincoln's death to the death of a captain on his ship in "O Captain! Assume that UpAHill Corporation has $100,000 of qualified property (unadjusted basis) in both years. PORTIA : You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, Such as I am: though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish To wish myself much better luck. Answer: He rejects gold on the ground that it could not serve as food in the case of Midas. Question 1. Who is the speaker of these lines? Has not a single one attained its object? At last, he was able to secure the promise that Nerissa would marry Gratiano if Bassanio won the hand of Portia. Midas was very avaricious and asked that whatever he touched might turn to gold. But O heart! Question 6. What, not one came in? English, 14.04.2020 01:43 lauren21bunch. Here is a letter, lady, The paper is like the body of my friend, And every word in it, a gaping wound Bleeding heavily. It will be seen how nobly, and yet modestly, she ratifies the decision of the lottery. Still is happy because she is not too old to learn. The poem, generally, is about the Civil war and the death of President Abraham Lincoln, who is the Captain. When Bassanio saw ^ lady Portia, Gratiano saw her maid, Nerissa. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? He was happy to have a new friend.QuestionWhat is the meaning of "Your cheeks are like roses" as it is used in the passage?Answer options with 4 options1. The speaker finds himself envying what others have, and in lines 5-9 he sees almost everyone as having something he lacks. Question 1. We start here Flashcards | Quizlet Sonnet 73 takes up one of the most pressing issues of the first 126 sonnets, the speaker's anxieties regarding what he perceives to be his advanced age, and develops the theme through a sequence of metaphors each implying something different. So many cowards whose hearts are altogether weak, hide their cowardice by carrying a ferocious look on their faces. green-eyed jealousy : jealousy is personified here, and said to be a monster with green eyes. My eyes, my lord, can look as quickly as yours: You saw the mistress, I saw the maid; You loved, I loved, because a rest Doesnt pertain any more to me, my lord, than to you. To emphasize the speakers point. Mark smells good.2. BASSANIO : These chests may not be what they seem outside: The world is still tricked by ornament. What would Portia do if Bassanio did not go to Venice? restrain. What instructions does Portia give before the choice is made? If you are well pleased with this, And hold your fortune for your bliss, Turn to where your lady is And claim her with a loving kiss.. What is the sin referred to in the extract? Question 1. Principal of $3,500 was paid on the installment note. Question 2. Who are the other persons present there? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . The Question and Answer section for Shakespeares Sonnets is a great I view the fight with much, much more sadness than you that are fighting. Why does Portia think herself fortunate? Passage 14 (Act III, Sc.II, Lines 297-310). He caught the time by the forelock, and he has achieved success. my Captain! "My name is Sadie. Do you think Bassanio is satisfied by his praise of Portias beauty? He had to try hard with his oaths of love to win Nerissas heart. What is the speaker referring to in these lines? Answer: The speaker's state of mind here is to request the nightingale to leave it free so that it can shine and spread light in the dark. As a result, even the food, which he touched, changed into gold, thus making it impossible to eat. At December 31, 20X7, the partnership owed$6,000 to its suppliers. If you live, I live. Question 6. Why does Portia feel she can sin? counterfeit : something made exactly the same as another, what demi-god hath come so near creation : a demi-god is a half-divine person. Bassanio refers to other examples to explain his point. There were the doubts of success and the feelings of hopelessness which made her tremble with fear of a possible failure. Her picture is shut in one of these caskets. Answer: Portia could very easily teach Bassanio how to choose the right casket. Question 2. The emotional state of the speaker in Sonnet 29 is one of depression: in the first line, he assumes himself to be "in disgrace with fortune," meaning he has been having bad luck. Answer: If Bassanio succeeds in his choice of the casket, music will be like the sound of trumpet at the coronation of a king. Alcides : another name for Hercules; Cp. Thus the first should have been left without its companion eye (unfumishd = unaccompanied), doth limp behind the substance : moves like a lame person (limp) in an unsuccessful effort to keep up with the original, continent : that which contains; the container, you that choose not by the view : the whole principle on which the choice of the caskets is founded is expressed in this line, namely that men should not choose by outward appearances, but should look deeply for the real meaning of things. & \textbf{Jordan} & \textbf{O'Neal} \\ Produced by Carlos Prieto , Nina Feldman , Rob Szypko , Stella Tan and Alex Stern. Selling and general expenses, excluding depreciation, amounted to $34,000. Why is gold referred to as gaudy? crisped : curled. Which rhetorical appeal do both excerpts use? He has yet the absorb the overwhelming quality of his emotion. Making them lightest that wear most of it : Women who wear the greatest amount of artificial aids to beauty are the lightest (in morals) whereas we would expect to find them heaviest. Lincoln fell and was seriously injured. What is the speaker referring to? BASSANIO : What do I find here? Since this fortune falls to you, Be content and seek no other new one. Why does the speaker refer to "the reasons why and the answers to and and the / people who and the places where and the days when," rather than provide specific examples of people, places and events?

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